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Norm Hull, CSP


Our Why and What

At a time when industries and businesses continue to be challenged by rapid workforce change and extraordinary competition, we believe one of the most important actions an organization can start applying today, is to make a holistic shift in priorities. Not just a reprioritization, but a strategic shift from reacting/responding to change and challenge and, in the alternative, choosing a deliberate path towards building a Talent Advantage.

What is a Talent Advantage?

A Talent Advantage is a unique form of competitive leverage that results when a company consistently outperforms its competition due to a specific attribute: its Talent.

You Have Talent Yet to Discover

When leadership chooses a deliberate path to building a Talent Advantage, Talent becomes core to its Purpose and Principles development. The results of that choice, are new levels and dimensions of sustained Performance.

A Talent Advantage finds its business leverage in providing leadership with the workforce capability to not only focus forward, but to also be well positioned to respond to new challenges and opportunities.

"I can't see the forest through the trees,
except the trees are people"

Sloan Crosley

Alchemist and Provocateur - Norm Hull


With a focus on delivering content‐rich, client‐centric solutions in every program he provides, Norm Hull has worked with companies and organizations worldwide, who recognize and want to create a workplace culture where their talent shines. Since its inception, and as the principal of Norm Hull & Associates, his forward‐thinking personal development company, has presented over 3200 programs and reached an audience of 3,000,000. 

Norm uses various methodologies to deliver his program, which includes keynotes, workshops, and extended consulting contracts. Using his methods, he has attracted clients in all 50 states and a host of countries i.e.; Canada, Spain, Costa Rica, Finland, Russia, Bahrain, Kuwait to name a few. His interactive, conversational style of entertaining knowledge makes for invigorating sessions, even with the most complex topic.

Having owned and co‐owned various businesses, including a restaurant, a health food store, and an animal hospital, he focuses on solutions and processes anchored in real‐world scenarios along with leadership concepts and theories. 

Every Generation has a Unique Story

While at the highest level, there appears to be symmetry of ‘need’ to the unique workforce challenges that exists today, it also presents a roadblock to progress for many organizations. The uniqueness, the complexity of the challenges, is rooted in the generational differences of the workforce ‐‐‐ the X, Y, Z and soon to be Alpha.

For over 32 years, Norm Hull & Associates has conducted comprehensive leadership training programs with 30,000 plus emerging leaders. Students trained to lead their peers, educators sharing best practices, and emerging business leaders. As a result, we not only understand the generational differences, but we have also been their first formal leadership training source ‐‐‐ generation after generation.

The rich insights, knowledge and intimacy we have gained by training emerging leaders has proven to be invaluable to our future leaders and to what we offer our clients today.